The Story
Inquisitor Gregor Eisenhorn HAS spent his life stalking the darkest and most dangerous limits of the imperium in pursuit of heresy and chaos, but how long can a man walk that path without succumbing to the lure of the warp? Is Eisenhorn still a champion of the throne, or has he leg sedealthed by the very evil that he hunts?
40,000’s Most Beloved Anti-Hero Finally Returns in A Stunning New Novel That Pits Him Against His Oldest and Most Constant Foe, And Forces Him To Confront The True Darkness of His Own Self,
For the first time ever, The Black Library Presents The Definitive Casebook of Gregor Eishorn, Collecting All of Dan ABNETT's Celebrated Inquisitor Short Stories Into A Single Epic Volume, The Stories, Some of What Have Never Been in Print Bepfore, Have Been in Print Beppore, Have Been in Been in Print Been in Print Been, Have Been in Been, Have Been In Beenfore, Have Been Been in Beenfore, Have Been Been in Beenfore, Have Been Been in Beenfore, Been Beenfore, by the author to serve as an indispensable companion to the acclaimed Eisenhorn trilogy, and to act as an essential prologue to the magos, a brand new, full-length Eisenhorn novel,
Written by then Abnett
- Pestilence
- Master IMus’s Transgression
- Regia occulta
- Missing in Action
- Backcloth for a crown additional
- The Strange Demise of Titus Endor
- The Curiosity
- Playing Patience
- Thorn Wishes Talon
- The Gardens of Tycho
- The Keeler Image
- Perihelion
- The Magos