Age of Sigmar
Orruk Warclans: Manifestations
Spearhead:Orruk Warclans Ironjawz Bigmob
Warscroll Cards: Orruk Warclans (4th edition)
Age Of Sigmar: Path To Glory (English)
The Dead Kingdom (Hardback)
Eternali di Stormcast: preater
Sylvanoth: Belthanos First Thorn of Kurnoth
Long Live Da Red Gobbo (HB)
Battletome: Orruk Warclans (4th edition)
Orruk Warclans: Bossrokk Tower
AOS Skaven + Paint Set (4a edizione)
Cities of Sigmar: Iornweld Great Cannon
Cities of Sigmar: Freeguild Steelhelms
Gotrek Gurnisson: BlightLayer (Libro tascabile)
Age of Sigmar: Shadow of the Crone
Metro a nastro GW
Spearhead: Seraphon
Spearhead: Soullight Gravellerds
Eternali Stormcast GRYPH-CHOUNDS
Globespite Gitz: Trugg the Troggoth King
Figli di Teclis (tascabile)
Orruk Warclans: Hobgrot Slittaboss
Skaven: Maestro Moulder
Spearhead: Sylvanoth
Age of Sigmar: Regno del bruto
Ironjawz Orruk Bruten
Globespite Gitz Mangler Squans
Age of Sigmar Porto
Spearhead: Cities of Sigmar
Age of Sigmar Paint + Strumenti (nuovo)
Ottimo impuro
Daemons of Tzentch Blue Horrors
Skaven: Warlock Galvaneer
Skaven: Vizzik Skour Profeta Horned Rat
Skaven: Flayer Doom
Battletome: Stormcast Eternals (HB) Eng
Age Of Sigmar: Skaventide (inglese)
AOS Stormcast Eternals + Paint Set (4th Edition)
Spearhead: Figli di Behemat
Spearhead: Lumineth Realm-Lords
Age of Sigmar: The Long Hunt
Stormcast Eternals Vanguard Hunters
ORRUK WARCLANS: Tuskboss su Maw-Grunta
Sylvaneth Druanti l'arco-onderante
Eternali di Stormcast Dracothian Guard