Age of Sigmar
Hurakan Windchargers
Realmscape: Thondian Strongpoint
Kharadron Overlords Arkanaut IronClad
Kharadron Overlords Skyriggers
Idoneth Deepkin: Eidolon or Mathlann
Idoneth Deepkin: Namarti Reavers
Idoneth Deepkin: Akhelian Allopex
Volturnos High King of the Deep
Hedonites: Sigvald Prince of Save
Hedonites of Save: Blissbarb Archers
G/SPE Gitz Loonboss on Giant Cave Squig
Gloomspite Gitz Squig Hoppers
Gloomspite Gitz Rockgut Troggoths
Gloomspite Gitz: Rabble-Rowza
Vanguard: Fyreslayers
Fyreslayers Hearthguard
Fyreslayers: Auric RuneFather / Magmadroth
Flesh-Eeater Courts Crypt Flayers
Flesh-Eeater Courts Crypt Ghouls
Flesh-Eeater Courts: ABHorrant Cardinal
Flesh Eeater Courts: Grand Justice Gormayne
Flesh-Eeater Courts: Morbheg Knights
Flesh Eeater Courts: Cryptguard
Flesh-Eeater Courts: Royal Decapitator
Tzentch Arcanites Tzaandengor Shaman
Daughters of Khaine: Krethusa's Cronehost
Daughters of Khaine Melusai
Daughters of Khaine Khinai
Daughter of Khaine Morathi
Daughters of Khaine Witch Aelves
Lady Annika the Thirsting Blade
Dark Elf Supreme Sorceress
Cities of Sigmar: Galen & Doralja Ven Dest
Cities of Sigmar: FreeGuild Command Corps
Cities of Sigmar: Freeguild Cavalier Marshal
Cities of Sigmar: Freeguild Cavaliers
Tzentch arcanites tzaandgors
Battletome: Sons of Behemat (old version)
Warsscoll Cards: Idoneth Deepkin
Battletome: Idoneth Deepkin (New)
Warsscolls: Hedonites of Save (old)
Warsscoll Cards: Fyreslayers
Battletome: Fyreslayers (New)
Broken Realms: Kragnos