Inside this volume you will find:
- an overview of the shadow crusade and crusade of iron
-Rules for using psi-titans of the ordo sinister, including four psychic powers
-Background and legion-specific rules for six titan legions: praesagius, Oberon, Lysanda, Infernus, Mordaxis and Audax
- Background and Rules for Six Knight Houses: Orhlacc, Vornherr, Vyronii, Mordred, Malinax and ærthegn
- Full Color Examples of Paint Schemes and Heraldry
- Four new maniples to use in your games
- Rules for Three New Weapons - The Sinistramus Tenebrae, Natrix Shock Lance and Ursus Claw - Plus New Weapon Traits
- 18 New Stratagems
- Five Narrative Missions Based On The Greatest Battles of the Crusade of Iron
- Extensive Rules for Organizing An Adeptus Titanicus Campaign
- Guidelines for Map Campaigns and Different Worlds to Battle Across
- How to Build and Maintain a Titan Battlegroup or Knight Household Across Multiple Games
- Rules for Hostile Battlefields Based on Conditions Across The 500 Worlds of Ultramar, Including Worlds Where the Warp has tasks Hold