This Multi-Part Plastic Kit Contains The Components Necessary to Assemble A Foul BlightSpawn, Hey Carries An Huge, Sinister Tank On His Back-The Incubatum-Brimming With Foul And Noxious Disease, What Squirdue Spisign, HEFISCRIMINATY SPRIFESSY Left Hand Drips This Vile Concoction with No Thought for Where It May Land, A Crack In His Armour Shows The Unpleasing Extent of His Modifications; The Gears and Pistons of A Malignant Churn Are Forcible Driven Into His Guts, His Armour, As Well as Being Covered in Rot, Features Plenty of icons of Nurgle, Skulls and Rest, ARE OPTIONAL NURGING CLUTCHING A BLIGHT BEENDED TO The Base,
This Kit Comes AS 8 Components, And is Supplied with a Citadel 40mm Round Base,